Avoid the mistakes I’ve made as an Entrepreneur…

Dec 30, 2024

Google’s definition of a mistake is “an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong”. Oh, I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way and want you to learn from them! Here are the biggest three mistakes and what I’ve learned from them.

Tried doing it all!

Old Mindset:

I can save money and learn more if I just did it all.

My Experience:

I was overwhelmed with having to do everything while also providing clinical work. I ran the payroll, the billing, the marketing, the outreach and so much more! Shortly after I noticed I had less time for my personal life. Less time to enjoy what means so much to me – LIVING! I wasn’t enjoying what I was doing and always felt tired. I had no space to be creative and create new offerings.

Lessons Learned:

I’ve always been the type of person who thrived off of simplicity and calmness. I decided to simplify my business and bring back calm into my life. I hired an online certified business manager who helped organize my group practice. I hired an assistant to do the things I didn’t have to, like billing, marketing and other things.

I simply asked for help! We empower our clients to ask for help, but we don’t do the same. Activate your network!

Devalued myself and services!

Old Mindset:

Who am I to offer a high price ticket?

My Experience:

I offered my services for a low price. I have to admit, despite the lessons learned I don’t regret it. I learned so much! I was offering my gifts to the world at all sliding fee costs. I was in-network with health insurance companies that paid even less than that. Sometimes, it would even take months to receive their payment, if it came in. I was working long hours, over delivering, and underpaid. I was taking on clients that were not a good fit. I began to feel resentful towards myself and my clients. This was not fair to anyone.

Lessons Learned:

I assessed my situation, cleaned up my caseload and did a lot of mindset work with my own coach and therapist. I realized I didn’t have space to be creative and it moved me away from my goals. I developed an abundance mindset. I was able to provide quality offerings and be present for all of my clients. I fell in love with my passion again. Also, I realized I’m not for everyone and everyone is not for me! My consultation process became more detail oriented and I began working with my ideal clients who didn’t flinch to pay for quality services. That awakening led to an increase in client flow and offerings.

Didn’t trust myself!

Old Mindset:

I’ll create a plan for myself and business, but I’ll take the advice of others. They know better.

My Experience:

Here I was running a business I loved, but wanting more. I’m a big believer in writing down your goals. I remember writing my goals down in my planner, and not implementing any of them! Instead, I decided to take the advice of others about MY business. Well, that didn’t turn out so well. I was not happy with how my business was running. That did not last long, because I always put my clients first! I knew that I had to trust myself!

Lessons Learned:

I know what works best for me, my clients and my businesses! I am intuitive to how my audience responds to my offerings. Why would I even bother following any other plan than my own! During this time, I grew up FAST! I let go of people. I pushed people away that were not aligned with my own values. I learned how to step away and not become attached to any specific results, but my own! Now I have two businesses that I am proud of. They are my babies!

I hope you are good where you are now! Remember, abundance will come your way!

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About Jessica

I’ve devoted my practice to empowering hundreds of radiant souls in healing trauma and navigating their grief journey, and I’m committed to doing the same with you.

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